Wednesday, August 14, 2013

17 years

Cousins Camp

Family Reunion

Spring Break.....Day 1....Mostly Driving

 We wanted to get to Utah as fast as possible, and I think this was the first trip where all of us had our headphones on, each listening to our own personal road trip soundtrack.   Gone are the days when we have endless hours to sing and play games, whine and fight.   It isn't a bad way to travel, other than that  parental guilt yelling at me to use this time together to bond.  I just gave the parental guilt some headphones of its own..Beastie high as the volume would allow.

 Me wondering how in the world it can be so quiet on this trip...Did we leave the kids at the last reststop?  Impossible, they NEVER need to pee on these trips. 
.... And this is why we want to get to Utah.  It is non-stop fun and laughter from the minute we walk into Stacey's house.

little boys in wigs

ladies dancing with dogs

The Occasionally United Us in the United Kingdom June 23-July8

Braces off....August 8th. 2013

Picking up a hitchhiker

"Oh, look at that cute old man" I said the kids in the car, two-thirds of whom had earphones in their ears and couldn't hear me anyway.  I'm used to talking to myself.  
He was slouched slightly at the bus stop.  I was just passing when I noticed his oversized, awkward thumb sticking up.
Before I thought twice, I turned onto the corner and opened the door.
"Do you need a ride somewhere?"
He wobbled a few feet away from the pole, probably checking to see if I was hitchhiker picker upper material....that I wasnt the type who looked like I would steal his wallet and leave his body in a ditch.  
"I just need to get down to Fred Meyer.  Do you mind?"

"Sure.  Hop in"
I opened the sliding door and he grabbled a hold of the seat before lifting himself clumsily into my van.

"I thought you were waiting for the bus when I saw your thumb up."

"What? Wait a minute" he yelled while he adjusted his hearing aid.

There is a saying that goes like this.  "Life is all pain.  But you got to make the most of it. "

There is a saying that goes like this.  "

My wife was telling me last night that I wasn't going to die anytime soon.

I live alone, so it is nice to talk to someone once in a while.

I grew up on 8th and Freya until I was 15.  Boy did I see a lot of sadness that year.  You wouldn't believe this, but I saw my mother and my father and my grandmother and my cat and dog all die within 7 months.  

I headed out to Hollywood, but that sadness has never gone away.  I have carried it with me all my life and even saw a Shrink once about it, but he didn't know what the heck he was talking about.

Gary Williams.  

You've got such a kind smile.  I am just so happy to know that there are still good people out in the world who will stop and help an old man out.  

God Bless you.

One thing before you go.  Don't ever get old!